Monevo X Whatsapp - New Product Update

We've added WhatsApp functionality to our application forms. This new feature means consumers can now opt in to receive their loan results via WhatsApp message.

Camille JacksonPosted: November 26, 2020


We've added WhatsApp functionality to our application forms. This new feature means consumers can now opt in to receive their loan results via WhatsApp message. The WhatsApp message contains a handy link that takes the consumer back to their personalised loan results. Take a look at the full video below.

Camille Jackson

Camille has worked in financial services for over 12+ years in both London and New York. Originally trained as a post-graduate journalist, she went onto work in various marketing positions and now oversees Brand, Communications & Marketing for Monevo globally.

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We've added WhatsApp functionality to our application forms. This new feature means consumers can now opt in to receive their loan results via WhatsApp message.